Harmeet Gabha
Harmeet Gabha
In the April 2018 release of Adobe Lightroom Classic CC, Adobe added some additional features and functions that revolved around Profile which apply to your Camera RAW images.
They also decided to relocate the Profile menu!
This threw me off as I was concerned where it has gone? Have I lost the Profiles? I did a quick Google search which resulted in finding the blog post by Julieanne Kost which talks about the updates to the Profiles.
Profile Re-located
Profile menu has been relocated from the Camera Calibration panel in the Develop module to the Basic panel at the top.
Once you find it you actually realise that this is a great change!! I normally had to scroll down to the bottom of those panels to find this menu and change to the desired profile like Camera Landscape for Canon RAW files and Velvia/Vivid for Fujifilm X RAW images.
New Profiles
Adobe has also published some new Profiles that can be a good starting point for you to use as a stylised choice. You have Artistic, Black and White, Modern, Vintage etc available to you as standard. Just apply these profiles to your image and you have a good baseline to start editing from.
Profile Improvements
The profile menu also comes with a browser which let’s you find see thumbnails of the resulting image and as you hover over each profile, your large preview in the Develop module also updates instantly. So you not only get a thumbnail preview in the grid but also immediate large result as you hover.
You can also organise the previews in Grid or Large (which gives you bigger thumbnails) or List which just shows the names.
Conclusion and Best Improvement
The best and most favourite improvement for me the ability to specify which profile displays in the drop down menu by marking those profiles as Favourites. And the same way you can remove standard profiles that you don’t want to use at all but un-marking them as favourites.
This way you only have the most used profiles displayed in the menu. So I am very happy with this improvement and added benefits.