Capture one
Guest blogger Nic Watson shows us how you can easily and quickly make your own strap at home. I wanted to buy a Sailor Strap online from America but couldn’t justify paying US $60-$70 to have it shipped over to Australia from the US. So I went to BCF (or Walmart for our US friends) and bought some boating rope and used some I already had to make my own camera strap and hand straps. All you need are the following items:
  • Rope for your strap (personal preference how long) (8mm diameter at least)
  • Thin Rope for strapping
  • Super glue
  • Sewing kit
  • Scissors
1. Cut the Rope
Measure how long you want your strap and cut. Best to cut the length that works for you after all its your handmade personal strap.
2. Glue the ends
Super glue end of the strap with the thin rope. Once dry loop the thin rope to the other side and super glue it down. Make sure you leave a loop for a keyring to be attached later so you can attach your camera.
3. Sew the Ropes
Sew through the 3 layers of rope together. Thiner rope is much harder then the thicker stuff. Super glue the 3 layers and start to wrap around the three layers.
4. Wrap the Loop
Once at the end cut the thin rope and glue it down. Repeat on other end of the rope. Add key rings to each loop. And you are done. The strap is complete!!
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The final result looks pretty amazing and considering the very easy technique used to put it together, anybody can create their own strap. You can use the same technique for a hand strap.

About the author:

Nic Watson – has great passion for photography and uses Fujifilm X-T2 as his camera. Works as a photographer at JustFresh specialising in car photography.

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