Guest blogger Nic Watson shows us how you can easily and quickly make your own strap at home.
I wanted to buy a Sailor Strap online from America but couldn’t justify paying US $60-$70 to have it shipped over to Australia from the US. So I went to BCF (or Walmart for our US friends) and bought some boating rope and used some I already had to make my own camera strap and hand straps.
All you need are the following items:
- Rope for your strap (personal preference how long) (8mm diameter at least)
- Thin Rope for strapping
- Super glue
- Sewing kit
- Scissors
1. Cut the Rope
2. Glue the ends
3. Sew the Ropes
4. Wrap the Loop
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Thanks for this camera strap tutorial
you are welcome! Thanks to Nic for his contribution.